By Jennifer Brozost and Vimmi Shroff

What inspired us to write the nyc private school admissions handbook?

We want to help parents on their journey through the admissions process, with the goal of helping you to obtain one of the 'precious few' acceptance letters. We have witnessed the innocent mistakes of overwhelmed parents: thank you letters sent or addressed to the wrong directors, parents writing about their educational philosophies that are polar opposite to the school's philosophy to which they are applying, a ten page thesis on a four year old's strengths, couples disagreeing and arguing in the interview, parent's failure to turn off their smartphones, asking too many questions during the group tour, acting completely disinterested, calling the admissions office incessantly or not paying proper attention to the appropriate protocol when applying to schools… to name but a few of the common errors! 

We are determined to ensure that parents who read this book DO NOT MAKE THESE SAME MISTAKES.

Since we have gone through this laborintensive and frustrating process with our own children, we have experienced firsthand the challenges of scheduling all the playgroups, meetings, tours and interviews.We have pleaded with our husbands to turn off their Smartphones and smile as we burned through dozens of hours planning and visiting ten different schools. We have tabled disagreements with our spouses until after the parent interviews, and we have fallen in love with schools that were not the right fit for our children (knowing, from our many years of experience, that they would never end up in these schools).

We have been there and we have gotten through it all smiling. We want to help bright and talented parents who are put in an impossible situation: navigating the crazy and competitive world of New York City private school admissions.We offer you huge amounts of warmth,  caring, and most importantly, expert knowledge that has been accumulated over the past 15 years. You are getting real advice from our real experiences! Use this book as your guide for valuable wisdom.

Maintain your sense of humor and keep your spirits up! Look at this as an opportunity to discover many magical and unique schools. We are here to help you navigate through this entire challenge.

Going through this process is so much more then a cerebral one. It is an emotional, crucial, soul-searching time in your life. In our 15 years of experience we have never found a book that takes readers through this journey with warmth, humor, and most importantly, by offering what only professionals who have worked in admissions can provide: the hard facts on getting in!

This book is a compilation of the experiences, opinions, concerns, complaints, frustrations and remedies that we, and other families, have experienced in the unique New York City private school admissions process.

Sharing our knowledge with you is a true labor of love.

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