Louis Vuitton Mother's Day 2024 Gift Guide

Caroline Dalal

Tambour Spin Time Air in Vivienne Red - PUR

These watches are also sold in Vivienne black and silver. Prices are available upon request.

Tambour Spin Time Air | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Color Blossom Amazonite Pendant - $2,860

This necklace has yellow gold, amazonite, and diamond. It can also be paired with a matching bracelet.

Color Blossom Amazonite Pendant | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Set of 2 Monogram Side Plates in Blue - $260

Also for sale in blue and beige are dinner plates, oval plates, coffee cups, tea cups, and flower bowls.

Monogram Side Plates | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Spell On You 100ML Fragrance - $320

Along with a list of other fabulous fragrances, you can also purchase a travel case to pair with this gift.

Spell on You Fragrance | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Porcelain Vase Petite Boite Chapeau - $1,640

Other styles include the Porcelain Vase Noe BB and the Petute Malle Porcelain Vase.

Porcelain Vase | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Malle Fleurs - $7,450

You can never go wrong with flowers! This beautiful gift is sure to add style and luxury to any home.

Malle Fleurs | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Up and Away Shawl in Grenadine - $485

Other textile designs include Sunrise, LV Maps, and Classic Monogram.

Up and Away Shawl | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Ombre Blossom Mini Hoops - $3,250

These earrings have pink gold and diamond. It can also be paired with a matching necklace and ring.

Mini Hoops Pink Gold | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Newborn Flower Knitted Set - $1,030

The best gift for new mothers are found in Louis Vuitton's Newborn Collection including clothing, blankets, teddy bear, rattle, and more.

Flower Knitted Set | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Annie Flower Bookend - $1,980

The perfect addition to your mother's book shelf.

Annie Flower Bookend | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

LV Diamonds Solitaire - From $7,200

This gorgeous ring has the LV monogram star cut.

LV Diamonds Solitaire | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Set of 2 Twist Glasses - $560

Beautifully crafted glasses that can uplift any dinnerware collection.

Twist Glasses | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

Boite Lunettes - PUR

This hard-sided case has the storage space to hold all of your precious pieces of jewelry. Prices are available upon request.

Boite Lunettes | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton

For more ideas check out the Louis Vuitton website where you can find the best gift guide for women and explore endless options. Treat your mother this Mother's Day!

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Idylle Blossom Y Pendant | Photo Courtesy Louis Vuitton