7 Career Changes for Those Sick of the Corporate Lifestyle

7 Career Changes for Those Sick of the Corporate Lifestyle

Long gone are the days where people were expected to stay in the same job for the entire length of their working life. Indeed, today, it is very common for individuals in Australia to have multiple career changes listed on their resumés.

But if you are sick of the corporate lifestyle, what careers can you change to that would offer you a much better work/life balance?

Here are 7 options you might consider.


What could be better than helping children to learn and motivating, guiding and inspiring them to reach their potential?

Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession where you work with people from all backgrounds and help nurture young, inquisitive minds 

You will need to get a graduate certificate of education, which you can do from an institution like UTS Online. However, if you do choose to pursue a career in education, you will be making an invaluable contribution to society as a whole.

Web Designer

According to Forbes, there are about 1.1 billion websites on the internet. So, now would be a good time to work in the industry.

As a web designer you could help to satisfy the demand non-technical people have for assistance in setting up a blog or website. The great thing about this job is that you can set up your own business and work from home or anywhere, which therefore provides you with a fantastic work/life balance.

Even if you work for a company, many will be flexible enough to let you work remotely.

SEO Manager

If you don’t fancy being a designer but would still like to work in the field of websites, then an SEO Manager might be the role for you.

Generally, SEO managers are tasked with developing a strategy to optimise the search engine listings of their client’s or company’s websites. This may involve a range of undertakings, including keyword strategy, producing and optimizing website content, pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, social media engagement and web analytics.

Like web designers, SEO managers can benefit from a better work-life balance as they enjoy the flexibility to work from home, therefore enabling them to manage their duties around their other commitments.

Travel Writer

If you really want to escape the corporate lifestyle, one of the best ways to do this is to become a travel writer.

Not only could you get to visit various exotic locations around the world, but you also have the freedom to work from any location and on a freelance basis.

For many people, getting paid to travel is the dream. So, why not make it happen?

There are various types of publications and companies you could work for if you don’t want to fly solo.

Social Media Manager

Social Media might not have even existed when many of you started your careers, but now it is a thriving industry which many businesses rely on.

As a social media manage you will cover a range of activities including strategising, content creation, customer service and analytics. You may also be involved in monitoring engagement and comments.

Moreover, social media managers often play a pivotal role in attracting influencers to collaborate with a brand in an effort to reach a wider audience or particular target market.

Overall, social media is a very flexible role, where the envelope is constantly being pushed. So, the best thing about working in the industry is that there are no traditional norms or expectations to constrict you.


If you don’t want to leave the corporate world entirely but would like to be able to work from home more, then it is a good idea to become a consultant.

You already have a field of expertise you work in, with plenty of years of experience behind you. So, by undertaking a degree in business, you will set yourself up well to launch your own consultancy practice.

Meetings can be held at your client’s office or a coffee shop and you have the full flexibility to work with, and for how long, you want, on the projects you want.

Yoga Teacher

For something completely different, why not become a yoga teacher?

There are several courses you can do to give you the accreditation you need to teach yoga to others.

The great thing about changing careers to this field is you can run your classes anywhere you want – including by the beach, in a park or a rented space.

You can also run them at any time of the day or night and work on your health at the same time.

7 Career Changes for Those Sick of the Corporate Lifestyle
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