Luxury upgrades for superior home comfort

Luxury upgrades for superior home comfort

Feel fantastic in your home year-round with these investment-worthy luxury upgrades that guarantee superior comfort in every space.

Install air-conditioning units

Keep cool without effort by investing in air-conditioning for rooms which feel the heat. From south-facing salons and sun-soaked conservatories to basement spas which get steamy in seconds, these units ensure your warmer spaces are pleasant in all seasons.

High-end options have a range of features that ensure these units don’t intrude on the relaxing atmospheres you’ve cultivated. The best models operate so quietly they are almost silent, and give you precise temperature control so you never get cold. Some systems have futuristic features such as voice control and remote activation.

Choose smart central heating

Switching to smart systems guarantees comfortable and cost-effective central heating. As well as being able to maintain exact temperatures for optimised energy consumption, smart boilers can alert you to issues at the earliest stage to help you avoid emergencies. 

These models can be controlled remotely too, enabling you to put the heating on before coming home and prepare hot water for a bath from the comfort of your sofa.

Search for boilers compatible with smart thermostats to see the latest models. You’ll find plenty of options to fit your current system. Remember the initial outlay can be steep but they’re well worth the investment and could help you save in the long run.

Customise your lighting

Transform your home into an oasis of tranquillity by customising your lighting. As any designer will tell you, lighting is all-important in achieving your desired ambience, and advanced technology means there is now more range than on, dimmed or off.

Consider colour-changing bulbs so you can always match your mood, or other smart solutions such as gradual-glow lamps which rouse you gently in the mornings and encourage you to drift off at a set time each night. More simply, layer cold and warm light using varied fixtures from subtle under-cupboard strips to elaborate chandeliers.

Elevate your bathroom features

Discover the latest luxury features for bathrooms that are game-changers for your routine as well as the look at feel of your design. These promise to help you de-stress your mind and body, morning and night. 

Elevate standard bathroom mirrors to the latest editions to access features such as demisters for steam-free surfaces during showers, in-built chargers for your electrical devices and LED lights that set the mood and make a statement. Underfloor heating ensures cosy comfort in the colder months while high-performing extractor fans are key to keeping cool in summer.

Don’t overlook your main fixtures: invest in the tub of your dreams with sufficient depth and extra-mile elements like walk-in access and a head rest, and upgrade your shower to a sleek wet room with various settings of flow and power.

Luxury upgrades for superior home comfort
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