Gliding Through the Everglades

An extraordinary journey with Mike and Josh from Epic Airboat Tours.
Everglades during Sunset
Everglades during SunsetEpic Air Boats

The other morning, my two friends and I had the privilege of embarking on a remarkable journey as we coasted through the Everglades, discovering its hidden wonders during an exclusive boat ride with Epic Airboat Tours. We were accompanied by two men, Mike and Josh, who both grew up in the Everglades and know every square acre of the region. They immediately mentioned to us how the most common misconception regarding the Everglades is that it’s classified as a black, muddy swamp filled with alligators and crocodiles. However, according to the experts, the Everglades has some of the cleanest and clearest water in the world because the river is constantly flowing through sawgrass. The quality of the water is so pristine that the Everglades is referred to by many as the “River of Grass.”

Right off the bat, we were introduced to Shelby, one of two dogs in the state of Florida trained to hunt pythons through scent detection. Shelby is owned by Mike and put her skills on display right from the get-go, showing how extremely well-trained she was and rarely determined to please her owner on a consistent basis. What really distinguishes Epic Airboat Tours is Shelby’s hunting prowess, skill of being able to listen so attentively, and her profound ability to solely retrieve pythons and various other invasive species harming the Everglades’ ecosystem.

Shelby Epic Boat Tours

 Our first glorious encounter was the osprey. What makes ospreys so unique, as both Mike and Josh pointed out to us, is their remarkable diving technique that allows them to dive with precision as they seize any fish or turtle of their preference. We then stumbled upon a Great Blue Heron, which had an outstanding four-foot wingspan and two-foot-long legs. These birds are extremely patient, and with beaks as sharp as a needle, they have adapted to become one of the best fishing birds in the Everglades. The birds were strikingly beautiful in their physical appearance and even more impressive in how methodical and resourceful they were.

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue HeronEpic Boat Tour

We then got to see an elevated island known as the “Tree Islands.” This elevated island simply paved the way for duck hunters as it provided a favorable habitat for ducks and attracted them to the area. Moreover, the elevated terrain of the islands granted hunters with better vantage points for spotting and hunting ducks. Both the scenic beauty and wildlife observation opportunities at the islands made it an incredible pit stop.

Alligator Epic Air Boats

The captivating birds and reptiles we encountered left us speechless and made this experience unforgettable. Mike and Josh showcased their expertise as they meticulously guided us through different points of the Everglades, enriching our understanding along the way. In addition to the alluring wildlife and astonishing scenery, what truly made this journey wonderful was the warm and welcoming hospitality extended to us by Mike and Josh. Their expertise and passion for the Everglades along with their dedication towards sharing its hidden wonders with others was put on full display throughout our tour. Epic Airboat Tours is the ultimate gateway to experiencing incredible wildlife coupled with second-to-none hospitality and unparalleled guidance from local experts.

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