Tax Advice from TikTok: #FinTok Misguided Trend or Another Tide Pod?

Explore the pitfalls of taking tax advice from TikTok #FinTok Influencers, the importance of credible sources, and protect yourself from misinformation.
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Tax Advice from TikTok: #FinTok Misguided Trend or Another Tide Pod?Photo credit: Bloomberg Technoz

#FinTok TikTok for Financial Tips and Tax Advice is Concerning Trend

Imagine getting your tax advice from a 15-second video clip on a social media platform. Sounds convenient? Maybe. Reliable? Definitely not. The rise of TikTok as a source for financial tips, including tax advice, has raised significant concerns.

While some influencers offer useful general information, much of the content can be misleading or downright dangerous.

This article delves into the risks of seeking tax advice from TikTok and underscores the necessity of consulting credible sources.

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#FinTok Has More than 4.5 Billion Views on TikTok

#FinTok has more than 4.5 billion views on TikTok, making it all the more challenging to filter through the noise, according to Lee Decker, social media manager for Quicken. And the dark side of TikTok contains misleading financial tips and tricks that could land you in some serious financial or legal trouble.

TikTok’s Influence on Financial Decisions

TikTok’s short, engaging videos have made it a powerful platform for influencing financial decisions. Many users, especially uneducated younger audiences, turn to TikTok for advice on various topics, including personal finance and taxes. This trend has created a new breed of influencers who share financial tips, but their expertise and accuracy can vary widely.

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Tax Advice from TikTokCanva

TikTok Tax Advice is Popular: The Appeal of Quick and Easy Solutions

Quick and easy financial tips and tricks are nothing new, and rarely productive. One of the main reasons TikTok tax advice is popular as is the appeal of quick and easy solutions. In a world where instant gratification is highly valued, the promise of reducing tax burdens or maximizing refunds with minimal effort is enticing.

However, this allure often leads to oversimplified and incorrect advice.

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Tax Advice from TikTokCanva

Misinformation: The Risks of Following TikTok Tax Advice

Many #FinTok Influencers are not licensed tax professionals. They often share advice based on personal anecdotes rather than established tax law. This can lead viewers to adopt strategies that are not only ineffective but also illegal.

The IRS has warned against various tax avoidance schemes popularized on social media, emphasizing that these strategies can lead to audits and penalties.

For example, one TikTok video might suggest claiming personal expenses as business deductions without explaining the strict IRS guidelines that govern such deductions.

Following this advice could result in hefty fines and increased scrutiny from tax authorities.

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Tax Advice from TikTokCanva

Lack of Accountability

Unlike traditional financial advisors who are regulated and held accountable, TikTok influencers operate in an unregulated space. This lack of oversight means viewers may be misled without recourse. The consequences of following bad advice can be severe, including financial loss and legal issues.

The Allure of Quick Fixes Ignores the Complexity of Tax Law

The allure of quick financial gains often overshadows the complexity of tax law. Many TikTok users are drawn to ideas of easily reducing their tax burden through dubious methods.

However, tax laws are intricate, and what works for one individual may not apply to another. The oversimplified nature of TikTok advice can lead to dangerous misunderstandings.

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Tax Advice from TikTokCanva

Real Consequences of Bad Financial Advice #FinTok

Engaging in dubious tax strategies based on TikTok advice can attract the attention of tax authorities. Audits, penalties, and legal actions are real risks when improper tax practices are followed. Bad financial advice can also lead to stress and confusion, making it harder to manage your finances effectively.

The Importance of Certified Public Accountants CPA's and Credible Sources

Given the potential pitfalls of TikTok tax advice, seeking guidance from reputable sources is crucial. Consulting certified public accountants (CPAs) or tax professionals can provide personalized advice tailored to one's specific financial situation.

These professionals have the training and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of tax law and can help individuals avoid costly mistakes.

Expert Advice by Melissa Chau CPA, and IRS-Certified Tax Professional

According to Melissa Chau CPA, Partner Shum & Associates, certified tax professionals (CPA) are held to extremely high legal standards and must adhere to a strict code of ethics. They undergo rigorous training and stay updated on the latest tax laws and regulations.

This expertise allows them to provide accurate and reliable advice that is tailored to individual circumstances.

Why Professional Advice Matters

Certified tax professionals are held to high standards and must adhere to a strict code of ethics. They undergo rigorous training and stay updated on the latest tax laws and regulations.

This expertise allows them to provide accurate and reliable advice that is tailored to individual circumstances.

Personalized Advice for Better Outcomes

Professional tax advisors can offer personalized advice that considers your unique financial situation. They can help you navigate deductions, credits, and other tax benefits that you may not be aware of.

This personalized approach ensures that you maximize your tax benefits while remaining compliant with the law.

"The challenges of accounting, payroll, tax law and business formations are complex and constantly changing. Relying on social media for tax advice is risky at best because even well-meaning influencers can inadvertently share outdated or incorrect information without consequence."

Melissa Chau, CPA, Partner Shum & Associates - IRS-Certified CPA Tax Professional

How to Spot Bad TikTok Tax Advice

Look for Credentials

Anyone can post online pretending to be a money expert without the credentials to back it up. Financial content on TikTok rarely includes transparent disclosures to help you determine whether the information is accurate and the source unbiased.

So, look into the background and qualifications of TikTok creators providing financial advice to ensure they have expertise in the field.

Seek Credentials and Watch Out for Red Flags

Lack of Professional Credentials: If the influencer does not have formal education or certification in finance or tax law, be cautious.

Overly Simplistic Solutions: Tax laws are complex. Be wary of advice that promises easy fixes without explaining the details.

Pressure Tactics: Advice that creates a sense of urgency or fear is often aimed at getting you to act without thinking.

No Disclaimers: Legitimate financial advice usually comes with disclaimers noting that individual situations may vary and encouraging viewers to consult professionals.

If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, Move On

Be wary of money advice that promises unrealistic returns. Sustainable financial success usually requires careful planning and time. If you see creators on TikTok promoting a get-rich-quick plan, red flags should immediately go up. Remember, genuine financial advice typically involves long-term strategies and realistic outcomes.

Verifying Information Always

If you’re going to social media apps for money advice, don’t make that your last stop.

Research and see what credentialed financial professionals say. Not only does this help you verify whether it’s legit advice, but you’re getting a diverse range of perspectives.

Diversifying the information sources ensures you get a well-rounded understanding of financial strategies.

Don’t Fall for Scare Tactics

Anything with the verbiage “act fast” is a sales pitch, not sound financial advice. Genuine advice is typically based on facts and education. Avoid advice that uses fear tactics to promote a particular financial product or strategy.

Statements such as “you’re missing out if you don’t do this” or “only dumb people would pass up this opportunity” create a false sense of urgency.

Money Advice Is Not the Same for Everyone

Personal finance is, as the name suggests, personal. A universal approach to saving money disregards how everyone’s financial circumstances are different. For instance, we often hear that six months’ worth of expenses is suitable for an emergency fund

But that doesn’t take into account folks with debt or households living paycheck to paycheck where saving isn’t that easy. Financial advice should be tailored to individual circumstances.

Trusting TikTok Trends Can Be Perilous and Dangerous

Trusting TikTok trends can be perilous, as evidenced by the Tide Pod Challenge, the Skull Breaker Challenge, and the Benadryl Challenge. These examples underscore the severe dangers of blindly following viral trends on social media platforms.

The Tide Pod Challenge

Tide Pod Challenge involved participants consuming toxic laundry detergent pods, leading to severe health risks like poisoning and chemical burns.

The Skull Breaker Challenge

The Skull Breaker Challenge saw individuals tricking others into jumping while kicking their legs out from under them, causing dangerous falls, head injuries, and potential concussions.

The Benadryl Challenge

The Benadryl Challenge encouraged users to ingest excessive amounts of the medication to induce hallucinations, resulting in hospitalizations and severe health complications from overdose.

The Real Consequences of Bad Advice

Financial Loss

Following incorrect or misleading tax advice can lead to significant financial loss. Unqualified influencers might suggest deductions or strategies that don’t apply to your situation, resulting in reduced refunds or unexpected liabilities.

For example, some influencers may advise claiming large charitable deductions without proper documentation. This can trigger an audit and result in disallowed deductions, fines, and additional taxes owed.

Legal Repercussions

Engaging in dubious tax strategies based on TikTok advice can attract the attention of tax authorities. Audits, penalties, and legal actions are real risks when improper tax practices are followed. The IRS has stringent rules and penalties for tax evasion and

Stress and Confusion

Bad financial advice can lead to stress and confusion, making it harder to manage your finances effectively. Dealing with tax issues is already stressful, and following incorrect advice can compound the problem, leading to anxiety and uncertainty about your financial future.

Long-Term Implications

Incorrect tax advice can have long-term implications on your financial health. Mistakes on your tax return can affect your credit score, lead to ongoing legal battles, and create lasting financial difficulties. It's crucial to ensure that your tax strategy is sound and sustainable to avoid these long-term repercussions.

Practical Steps for Safe Financial Practices

Consult with Professionals

Always consult with certified professionals for your tax needs. CPAs and tax attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to provide accurate and reliable advice. They can help you navigate complex tax laws and ensure that you are compliant while maximizing your tax benefits.

Educate Yourself

Take the time to educate yourself about basic tax principles. Understanding the fundamentals can help you make informed decisions and recognize when advice might be too good to be true. There are many reputable resources available online, including government websites and educational platforms.

Use Multiple Sources

Cross-reference information from multiple sources before making any financial decisions. If you see a tip on TikTok, verify it with trusted financial websites, books, or professional advice. This helps ensure that you are getting accurate and well-rounded information.

Stay Updated on Tax Laws

Tax laws change frequently. Staying updated on these changes can help you avoid mistakes and take advantage of new opportunities. Subscribing to newsletters from reputable financial institutions or following trusted financial news sources can keep you informed.

How Does the IRS Respond to Tax Advice from Social Media Platforms?

The IRS typically responds to tax advice from social media platforms by issuing warnings and reminders about the potential risks and dangers of following such advice.

The agency emphasizes the importance of being cautious when relying on information shared on social media, as it can be misleading or fraudulent.

The IRS has released several fact sheets and alerts to educate taxpayers about common scams and misleading tax advice circulating on platforms like TikTok and other social media sites.

IRS Resources

Legal Consequences:

The IRS has seen thousands of dubious claims and warns that taxpayers who fall for these scams may face steep financial penalties, potential follow-up audits, or even criminal action for improper refund claims[2].

The IRS emphasizes the importance of seeking credible tax advice from qualified professionals rather than relying on social media platforms. The agency provides educational resources and warnings to help taxpayers avoid scams and make informed decisions about their taxes.

Authors Conclusion

While TikTok can be a sourche of entertainment and even some useful financial tips, relying on it for tax advice is fraught with risks.

The prevalence of misinformation, lack of accountability, and the appeal of quick fixes can lead individuals down a dangerous path.

To ensure compliance with tax laws and to make informed financial decisions, it is imperative to consult credible professionals rather than relying on social media influencers.

The consequences of following bad advice can be severe, making it essential to prioritize accurate information over viral trends.

Mark and Luno at Work
Mark and Luno at WorkMark Derho with Leonardo

Mark Derho Author

Mark Derho is a seasoned expert in the Internet industry with over 25 years of experience in NYC's software development, digital marketing, and advertising sectors. A certified Google Partner, Mark specializes in content creation, AI chatbot development, open-source software, modern website design, and SEO/SEM marketing. He leads PR Website Agency and lives in Puerto Rico with his dog, Luno.

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Elaine Sargent Finance & Philanthropy

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