Art and Culture

The Most Important Traits of Successful Daters

Resident Staff

By Carly Spindel

Be Open Minded

It's essential to be open minded. Being narrow minded and choosing to only date a certain type of person won't help you fall in love. You should give everyone a fair chance.

Love and Appreciate Yourself

When you realize you're fabulous, other people will too. Appreciating yourself helps project an attitude of happiness which is a turn on to both men and women. Remember that you're a catch and you should be with someone who agrees.

Don't Settle

Don't put too much effort into someone if you know in the end they're not going to make you happy. Be true to yourself. If you want a serious relationship but you're spending time with someone who can't commit, don't go out with them again. It's a waste of your time and theirs.

Kindness is Contagious

Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness. Being polite is important. You want your date to remember you as being well mannered. So, say please and thank you whenever necessary!

Punctuality is Key

Being on time is always necessary. It shows the person you're meeting that you respect them. Being on time starts every date off with a positive vibe.

Be Passionate

People who are passionate are automatically more attractive. You should be enthusiastic about whatever hobbies and interests you have. Being passionate gives you an edge.

Stay Positive

Having a positive attitude is needed when you're dating. Sometimes it can be discouraging but you can't let it bring you down. You have to remember to have faith and stay positive.


Pay attention to what people tell you. If someone says they aren't looking for a relationship, listen to them. Don't turn someone into your pet project. Make the choice to date someone who really wants to be with you.

Own Who You Are

It's imperative to be yourself, all the time. If you're a little bit quirky or OCD, that's okay! Own who you are and you'll meet someone who likes exactly the person you are.

Be Responsive

Being available is significant in developing a relationship. When someone contacts you, it's nice to respond to them in a timely matter. Don't worry, you don't have to be glued to your phone or be available for a date every night of the week. But, you should make sure that you're not so busy that you need to be booked weeks in advance. Scheduling a date and getting ahold of you should be an easy task.

Be In The Know

Both men and women are attracted to intelligence. Everyone wants to date someone they can have a conversation with – a real conversation. Whether you're giving your opinion on current affairs or talking about the newest restaurant that's opening in your area, being informed is sexy.

Have Confidence

Confidence is key. It's a quality that men and women are drawn to. When you're confident, people are enamored with you and think positively of you.

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