Beauty and Health

Beauty in a ZIIP

Resident Staff

When is the last time you awoke midflight and realized your neighbour suddenly looks like the villain from the movie Scream by wearing a sheet mask? Or have you arrived at your gate and noticed that another traveller has silicone discs stuck under their eyes?

While flight travel has always taken a toll on the skin, more and more travellers are taking it upon themselves to combat all sorts of skin issues (i.e. soothe tissue, fine lines around the eyes) pre and mid flight.

Good news though, facial technologies have come along way including ZIIP, the world's first at-home skincare device. Now, rather than applying a mask mid flight and scaring your fellow travellers, you can preform a nano-current treatment for 12 minutes or less before you board.

The one-button transmitter syncs with an app, that offers several treatments for different skin regimes. Each treatment uses a small electrical current. An instructional video led by co-founder, Melanie Simon makes the process easy to replicate. After a few treatments, it becomes apparent how much conductive gel and hand held pressure must be used for optimal results on the skin.

The ZIIP comes with a gold conductive gel and a silver gel is also available for purchase. The gold conductive gel actually contains 24 carat gold, targets firmness, sagging and fine lines. The silver conductive gel is meant for hydration and brightening. I took a small bottle of conductive gel to continue the week of treatments while travelling. The padded travel pouch makes it easy to transport the device while keeping it safe in your hand carry.

After four treatments, I already have built ZIIP into my beauty routine and I'm hooked! Love the glow that the "Instant Gratification" treatment gives me, and the "Vitaleyes" treatment helps rejuvenate my tired travel eyes. I'm looking forward to seeing how the ZIIP continues to improve my complexion and the firmness of my skin as I continue to use it during my travels and daily life.

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