Major Eric Dominijanni  NICK GARCIA
Business Leader

Crafting Fior: The Journey of Major Eric Dominijanni

Carece Slaughter

Meet Retired Marine Major Eric Dominijanni, the visionary founder behind Fior Scotch, the first and only U.S. veteran-owned and Black-owned Scotch in the market. This exceptional spirit is crafted with the same meticulous attention to detail that defined Major Dominijanni’s 20-year military career, which included three tours in Iraq and two in Okinawa. The inception of Fior Scotch began with an "Infinity Bottle" — a personal blend of outstanding scotches that Major Dominijanni refined until it reached perfection. His commitment to excellence led him to collaborate with an industry expert to faithfully reproduce this unique blend on a larger scale.

Launched in 2023, Fior Scotch quickly garnered critical acclaim, securing double gold medals at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition and the New York World Spirits Competition, as well as a prestigious 93 rating from The New York International Spirits Competition. Major Dominijanni, now a proud Miami resident, embeds his vibrant and resilient spirit into every bottle, ensuring that Fior is not merely a testament to superior scotch-making but also a tribute to the community and veterans he continues to serve. This interview delves into his journey from the battlefields to the distilleries, highlighting how his diverse experiences have shaped the distinct character of Fior Scotch.

Eric, Can you share the moment or experience that first ignited your passion for scotch?

Certainly, My passion for scotch was ignited quite unexpectedly due to a particularly bad drink experience during my time in the Marine Corps. Stationed in Twentynine Palms, California, a culinary desert of sorts, I found myself missing the vibrant flavors I enjoyed while stationed in the Caribbean. One weekend, while visiting friends in Los Angeles, I was offered what turned out to be a terrible drink, which tasted like "battery acid." Later that evening, while looking for a good drink, I visited a local Scotch bar. At the time, I knew nothing about Scotch. Intrigued by the beautiful bottle of the various Scotches, I threw my credit card down and implored the bartender to educate me on the spirit. This encounter sparked a profound appreciation and curiosity for Scotch that has grown ever since.

Fior Scotch

As a classically trained chef with experiences in the U.S., Thailand, and Singapore, how do your culinary skills intersect with your scotch blending process?

My experiences across diverse culinary landscapes have significantly shaped my approach to scotch blending. In New York, the challenge was perfecting both simple and complex dishes, teaching me the importance of balancing flavors to appeal to diverse palates. This skill is crucial in scotch blending, where the aim is not just to appeal to connoisseurs but to create a versatile profile that all can appreciate. The goal with Fior Scotch has been to blend a variety of flavors—spicy, salty, savory—to produce a scotch that offers a symphony of tastes that satisfies widely, much like a well-crafted meal.

The concept of an "Infinity Bottle" is fascinating. Could you delve into how this practice evolved into the creation of Fior Scotch?

The Infinity Bottle concept began as a personal endeavor, merging my passion for hosting and my culinary creativity. This practice involved blending different scotches to enhance preferred flavors like smokiness and sweetness. Continually adjusted over time, this evolving blend became perfect in my eyes and was met with enthusiastic approval from friends. This positive reception prompted me to transition my personal blend into Fior Scotch, initially intended just for friends and family. With growing demand, we expanded production. This evolution from a hobby to a professional offering showcases how a passion project, fueled by genuine enthusiasm and the right expertise, can transform into an acclaimed product.

With a rich history that spans combat, global culinary training, and competitive cooking, how have these varied experiences influenced your approach to both entrepreneurship and scotch production?

My eclectic background, from the disciplined environments of military service to the diverse kitchens around the world, has deeply shaped my entrepreneurial approach and the creation of Fior Scotch. Each experience contributed uniquely to my perspective on scotch production.

In the military, I learned the importance of precision, strategy, and resilience—qualities that are integral to entrepreneurship. This disciplined approach has influenced how I manage Fior Scotch, especially in maintaining high standards throughout the production process.

Culinary training across different cultures, from the intense flavors of Thai cuisine to the subtle complexities of Singaporean dishes, has taught me the art of balance and fusion. These principles are central to blending Fior Scotch, where I aim to harmonize distinct flavors into a singular, enjoyable experience.

Competitive cooking instilled in me a spirit of innovation and excellence. It's not just about cooking; it's about outperforming expectations and continually striving to improve. This is mirrored in how Fior evolves, constantly refining the blend and the brand to appeal to a global audience.

Together, these experiences have not only crafted a richer flavor profile for Fior Scotch but have also ingrained a robust, adaptable business model that is prepared to meet challenges head-on, much like preparing for a tough service in a kitchen or a mission in the field.

Major Eric Dominijanni

Fior Scotch has been recognized with several prestigious awards shortly after its launch. What, in your view, sets Fior apart in the crowded world of spirits?

Fior stands out in the spirits market primarily because it's a newcomer challenging long-established norms. The scotch and whisky industry is deeply rooted in tradition, where loyalty to well-known brands often overshadows newer entrants. Fior disrupts this status quo by not only entering the market as a new brand but also by distinguishing itself as the first and only black-owned scotch label recognized on a global scale.

The essence of Fior’s uniqueness lies in its blend. Unlike traditional single malts that are bound by the specific characteristics of their regions, Fior Scotch embraces a broader palette, allowing us to blend the best attributes from various profiles. This flexibility results in a scotch that is accessible to a broader audience, offering a balance of peatiness, smokiness, and brightness without being overwhelming in any aspect.

Our approach to blending ensures that Fior does not just conform to the typical regional flavors but instead creates a harmonious profile that resonates with both new scotch drinkers and seasoned enthusiasts. This capability to blend diverse flavors into a cohesive and appealing product is what I believe truly sets Fior apart, making it not just a novelty but a preferred choice in the market.

As the first and only Black-owned and veteran-owned scotch brand, what challenges have you faced in the industry, and how have you overcome them?

Launching Fior as the first Black-owned and veteran-owned scotch brand came with its set of unique challenges and advantages. The support from the veteran community has been robust, due to the deep loyalty among military personnel. My Marine background has been instrumental, drawing enthusiastic backing from fellow veterans.

On the other hand, being a Black-owned scotch brand introduced different challenges, primarily due to entrenched stereotypes about demographic preferences in alcohol consumption. There was skepticism about the authenticity and market fit of a Black-owned business producing scotch, a spirit not traditionally associated with Black consumers. These stereotypes reflect broader societal biases that often categorize tastes and preferences by ethnicity or background.

I addressed these challenges directly by engaging with the community and participating in events aimed at broadening the representation in the spirits industry, such as the Taste of Black Spirits in Detroit. A particularly memorable moment was the reaction of an older Black gentleman at one event, who was excited and proud to see a Black man producing scotch. His response highlighted the importance of representation and the impact of seeing oneself reflected in new and unexpected arenas.

These experiences reinforced my commitment to not only crafting high-quality scotch but also challenging the narrative around who can create in this space. Fior's success is a testament to the fact that excellence and innovation in scotch production can come from any background, proving that the value of a spirit lies in the quality of the product and the passion of its makers, not their ethnicity or conventional expectations.

Major Eric Dominijanni

Fior's active engagement with initiatives that support military service members and veterans is highly admirable. How do you envision Fior's ongoing role in aiding veterans and their families?

Fior’s commitment to supporting veterans and their families is deeply personal to me, reflecting my own experiences and gratitude towards those who have served. Growing up and throughout my college years, I faced significant financial hardships, often relying on the generosity of friends and the support structures available to me. These experiences deeply influenced my view on the importance of giving back, particularly to the veteran community that formed such a crucial part of my own journey.

During my time in the Marine Corps, I received incredible support, not just from within the organization but also from external veteran organizations and charitable groups. Programs like Operation Gratitude made tangible differences in my life, especially during deployments. These acts of kindness and support were pivotal, not just for me but for many of my comrades.

In light of this, Fior is actively involved in giving back to those who have served. We aim to support veterans through partnerships with organizations that make a real difference. Our goal isn’t just to "pay it forward" but to embed this practice into our core business philosophy. We commit a portion of our proceeds to veteran support groups, viewing it as our duty to support those who have provided us with so much. This commitment is about honoring our veterans with more than just words; it’s about providing real support that impacts their lives positively, just as they have impacted mine.

With Fior's success and your background in culinary arts, are there any plans to expand Fior's offerings, perhaps into other spirits or products that merge your culinary expertise with spirits?

Absolutely, there are definite plans to expand Fior’s offerings, tapping into my deep-rooted passion for the culinary arts. I am active in the spirits community by participating in tastings and contributing to charitable events. My goal is to continuously innovate within Fior, whether that's through introducing new spirits or culinary-inspired products. This approach not only broadens Fior's portfolio but also enriches the cultural tapestry of the spirits industry, celebrating diversity and creativity in every bottle.

Major Eric Dominijanni

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for Fior Scotch in the global spirits market, and how do you intend to innovate while maintaining the integrity of your original vision?

Our goal for Fior Scotch is to elevate it on a global scale, showcasing the potential of American innovation in a market deeply rooted in tradition. America's rise in the culinary and spirits sectors in the mid-90s highlighted our unique ability to blend cultural influences, a stark contrast to more traditional societies where culinary practices are rigidly inherited. At Fior, we channel this spirit of innovation by redefining scotch, blending diverse cultural elements to challenge and expand traditional scotch definitions.

We aim for Fior not only to be recognized for its quality but also to provoke discussions around the identity of spirits. It's about challenging entrenched perceptions and demonstrating that an American brand can excel in a field dominated by long-standing Scottish traditions. I am particularly eager to see Fior Scotch receive recognition for its quality from traditional scotch aficionados in Scotland, appreciating our unique blend irrespective of its American origins.

Ultimately, Fior's mission is about more than just business; it's a cultural endeavor to show that innovation can honor tradition while breaking new ground. We strive for Fior to be judged on the joy and flavor it brings to the table, challenging the conventional boundaries of scotch and inviting a global audience to rethink what makes a scotch exceptional.

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