Mia Calabrese: Mastering Luxury Real Estate in the Hamptons

Mia Calabrese: Mastering Luxury Real Estate in the Hamptons

From Hospitality to High-End Properties: The Journey of 'Selling the Hamptons' Star

Welcome to an intimate conversation with Mia Calabrese of “Selling the Hamptons”

Mia Calabrese and the cast of Selling the Hamptons
Mia Calabrese and the cast of Selling the Hamptons

As we eagerly await the launch of Season 2 of Selling the Hamptons we sat down with Mia for this exclusive interview. We will delve into the multifaceted world of Mia Calabrese. Her journey from the pinnacle of affluent hospitality to the elite realms of ultra-luxury real estate encapsulates a narrative of ambition, insight, and unparalleled service. Mia has a solid academic foundation in Government and Politics from St. John's University and is also a seasoned wine connoisseur. Her life is a testament to the richness that diverse experiences bring to professional excellence. Mia's globetrotting adventures are not just leisure but a quest for the essence of luxury living. She has traveled from the cobblestones of Europe to the vibrant heart of South America. As a New York City resident, Mia's adeptness at navigating the desires of the world's most discerning clientele has earned her industry accolades and recognition as a vanguard in marrying the art of fine living with real estate marvels. In this conversation, we will uncover how Mia's unique blend of passion, expertise, and an intuitive understanding of her client's desires makes her a beacon for those aspiring to a life well-lived and well-chosen.


Carece: Looking back at your successful career in hospitality, what made you decide to transition into real estate, particularly the ultra-luxury sector? 


Mia: Transitioning into real estate, particularly the ultra-luxury sector, was a blend of personal insight and outside encouragement. Observing market trends and desiring a career with no earnings ceiling, I recognized my hospitality skills—interpersonal communication and consumer behavior understanding—were directly applicable to real estate. My brother's belief in my potential was the catalyst for this career shift. His encouragement to explore real estate, seeing potential in me for a new adventure I hadn't acknowledged, led to my first high-end rental deal shortly after licensing, affirming this path as one of my best decisions.


Were there any specific experiences or skills that translated well into your new field?


In transitioning to real estate from hospitality, the interpersonal skills and understanding of consumer behavior I developed were invaluable. These skills allowed me to connect with clients, understand their needs, and navigate the luxury real estate market effectively. My experience in hospitality, focusing on service and satisfaction, translated seamlessly into real estate, where these qualities are equally important in building relationships and closing deals.

Selling the Hamptons
Selling the Hamptons

With the upcoming season of "Selling the Hamptons" approaching, can you share any exciting teasers or trends you're anticipating in the Hamptons luxury real estate market?


I'm looking forward to the upcoming season of "Selling the Hamptons" because it's going to be packed with more luxury, bigger deals, and even deeper dives into both our personal and professional lives. There's a lot to be excited about, including some truly stunning properties and the unique dynamics of dealing with high-end real estate in such a coveted location. This season promises to bring an engaging blend of drama, luxury, and the latest real estate trends in the Hamptons luxury market.


What are the biggest challenges and rewards you face when working with high-profile clients and million-dollar properties on the show?


Working with high-profile clients and million-dollar properties on "Selling the Hamptons" brings its set of challenges, such as managing the high expectations and the added pressure from the television spotlight. I'm aware of potential clients' hesitations about the presence of TV cameras and the increased foot traffic through their homes due to filming. It's a valid concern, and I take steps to address and alleviate these issues, ensuring the process remains as seamless and respectful of their privacy as possible.

However, the rewards are deeply fulfilling. Successfully meeting these expectations, closing significant deals, and the personal and professional growth I experience in this high-stakes environment make it all worthwhile. The sense of accomplishment in navigating these challenges is unmatched.


I have heard that you are a "wine connoisseur." Do you see any overlap between your appreciation for fine wines and your approach to luxury real estate? For example, do you consider "property terroir" or unique characteristics?


That is such an interesting question. As one who appreciates fine wine, I absolutely see parallels between my appreciation for fine wines and my approach to luxury real estate. Just like with the subtleties of various wines—their vintages, varieties, and regional characteristics—I bring a discerning eye to the unique features of each property. Whether it's the architectural style, the design elements, or the specific features that speak to a location's essence, I find it very similar. This appreciation deepens my understanding of the finer details that make both wine and properties special.


You're also an "avid cyclist" and world traveler. How do these personal passions influence your work ethic, perspective, or client relationships?


Cycling significantly contributes to my work ethic. It's crucial for me to keep both my mind and body healthy, as I perform better in that state. Maintaining physical fitness through cycling or Pilates directly impacts my mood and work performance. As for traveling, it broadens my perspective. Being exposed to different cultures and lifestyles around the world makes me more open-minded, which is vital in real estate. It helps me understand and cater to the unique needs and preferences of clients from diverse backgrounds and nationalities.


With all your traveling, is there a particular country or region that really stands out to you that you particularly love because of the architecture?


Do I have to name just one? There are so many, but, Paris, Mallorca, and San Miguel de Allende in Mexico are the places that stand out for me because of their architecture. I was truly in awe of Paris for its timeless beauty, and Mallorca's stunning designs left a lasting impression. San Miguel de Allende's beauty was captivating, with its rich colors and unique structures. These places, with their distinct architectural marvels, have deeply influenced my appreciation for design and aesthetics.


As a world traveler and wine connoisseur, you understand the importance of environmental preservation. How do you see the demand for sustainable features and practices evolving in the ultra-luxury real estate market, and are you involved in any projects that actively promote sustainability?


I definitely see the shift towards sustainability in ultra-luxury real estate as a lasting change, not just a fleeting trend. People increasingly want sustainable features in their homes, and this will become the new standard in how homes are built and how people prefer to live. Personally, I'm engaging in conversations with developers, letting them know that this is what buyers and sellers are looking for. I'm on the front lines, listening to what's important to people. I communicate that desire for sustainable luxury homes to the developers, so it's definitely an ongoing dialogue about integrating what will soon be the norm in homebuilding.


Beyond "Selling the Hamptons," are there any other projects or endeavors you're excited about pursuing in the near future? Perhaps leveraging your expertise in different avenues or causes?


Beyond "Selling the Hamptons," I'm thrilled about the newly launched development building, the Elisa, located on 14th Street. The units there start from $1.45 million and go up to $11 million. I'm very invested in and excited about this project This prime piece of New York City real estate it's something I'm looking forward to focusing on.

Mia Calabrese: Mastering Luxury Real Estate in the Hamptons
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With your education background in government and politics, do you see any future aspirations to contribute to the real estate industry or public policy related to housing? 


It's so funny, you asked that. I was convinced at one point in my life that I was going to work in government, and I'm definitely open to the possibility in the future. Contributing to public policy, especially related to housing and real estate, is something I'd find fulfilling. I'm proactive in advocating for my clients' needs, which could translate well into influencing policy, like sustainability in luxury real estate. It's a path I'm willing to explore, and my experience can make a meaningful impact.


In wrapping up our time together do you have any final thoughts you want to share with our readers?


Yes, absolutely. It's crucial for everyone, particularly young women looking at my journey to success, to realize that what I've achieved is within reach for anyone. My success is a testament to the fact that with determination and resilience, you can make it too. This is a message I'm passionate about sharing – if I can navigate the path to success, it's possible for you as well.

Our journey through the vibrant and ambitious world of Mia Calabrese in this interview has been both enlightening and inspiring. Mia’s diverse experiences, from her academic pursuits to her globe-trotting adventures and her profound appreciation for the intricacies of luxury living, paint a portrait of a woman who not only excels in her field but also passionately lives the lifestyle she curates for her clients. Her transition from the hospitality industry to the height of ultra-luxury real estate is a testament to her adaptability, insight, and unwavering commitment to excellence. 

As we eagerly anticipate the new adventures and stunning properties that Season 2 of "Selling the Hamptons" will unveil, we invite you, to join Mia and the rest of the Nest Seekers cast on this luxurious journey. Catch the premiere of this new HBO series on MAX March 1st, and immerse yourself in the allure and drama of the Hamptons luxury real estate market, brought to life by Mia’s expert touch and visionary approach.

An exclusive interview with Resident.com

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