How to Keep Your Brain Healthy

How to Keep Your Brain Healthy

The human brain is arguably the most complex discrete object in the known universe; an inscrutable organ that contains the sum total of a life’s knowledge and experience, to say nothing of the incredible unconscious processes that manage our bodies, senses and movement. To call the brain remarkable is an understatement, to say the least.

As computationally impressive as the brain is, it is more impressive still for being an organic object – which leads us to today’s topic. The brain is a living organ that requires certain conditions and care to survive or thrive. Brain health is an ever-expanding topic of conversation amongst scientists and doctors, though one with a great deal of knowns. There are many ways to approach brain health as an individual; what do you need to know about each?

The Basics of Brain Health

Though functionally vastly more complex than any other organ in the human body, the brain is nonetheless just that: an organ. As with other organs, it is fed by our circulatory system, which delivers crucial oxygen and glucose – without which the brain cannot operate. A balanced diet ensures your brain receives everything it needs, and regular exercise improves the health of your circulatory system – as well as improving your brain chemistry via hormone release.

Keeping a Healthy Brain

Keeping a healthy brain is about more than ensuring you are fed and watered, though. The brain is also a thinking muscle, which needs its own exercise in order to function at its best. Mental exercise in the form of puzzles, engaging hobbies or ‘brain training’ programmes can improve your cognitive skills, with positive results for the long-term.

Your mental health is also a vital consideration here, and can be improved by a variety of methods. As mentioned earlier, exercise can be a key component to improving your brain chemistry. So too can engaging in creative activities, whether consuming art and music or creating it yourself.

Protecting Your Brain

Your brain is also extremely vulnerable to physical injury, where brain injuries can cause a near-limitless range of symptoms and disabilities depending on the type and severity of the injury suffered. Brain injury claims are made with respect to a large number of different injurious events, from road traffic accidents to workplace injuries and even simple slips and trips in public – all of which can cause unprecedented damage.

Protecting yourself from potential brain injury is difficult, given the unpredictable nature of many accidents. However, simple and common-sense things like taking due care when driving, or wearing the correct safety equipment when cycling or playing sports, can make all the difference to your future wellbeing.

In the event that you suffer a brain injury, the road to recovery can be long and winding. Some may find they have lost their fine motor skills, while others may lose certain capacities with regard to language, cognition or even behaviour. In any case, guided rehabilitation is a necessary step to living a meaningful post-injury life.

How to Keep Your Brain Healthy
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