Rohan Marley Photos by: Ray Yau / @rayyau

Rohan Marley: A Heartfelt Journey Through Film and Legacy

Hillary Latos

At the recent screening of Bob Marley: One Love hosted by the American Friends of Jamaica (AFJ) in New York, Rohan Marley, son of the legendary Bob Marley, took the stage for a rare and intimate discussion about the film, his father’s legacy, and his own emotional journey. Rohan reflected on his personal journey to create this film and the enduring influence of his father's legacy.

What was it like for you watching this film about your father?

Rohan Marley: Watching the film was an intensely emotional experience for me. I first saw it in Paris, where they handed me two glasses of champagne before the screening began. I think they knew it would be a heavy watch for me, and they were right. Right from the opening scenes, I felt a rush of emotions—memories, feelings, and thoughts all flooding in at once. It's hard to describe, but there’s something incredibly surreal about watching your father’s life unfold on the big screen, especially when he’s been gone for so long.

At first, it was the early parts of the movie that really got to me—seeing those moments of his life that I only vaguely remember or have heard about from others. But now, after seeing the film multiple times, it’s the latter part that really moves me. It’s like, with each viewing, I connect more deeply with different aspects of his story. One minute, I’m reliving childhood memories; the next, I’m overwhelmed with a profound sense of admiration for the man he was. It’s a strange mix of pride, sadness, and a deep longing to have had more time with him​.

Can you elaborate on the specific emotions you experienced during the film?

Rohan Marley: The emotions are layered and complex. Initially, it was all about nostalgia—remembering those fleeting moments from my childhood and realizing how much time has passed since he was physically here. I was only nine years old when he passed, and while that’s a formative age, it’s also a time when many memories start to blur. So, seeing his life portrayed so vividly brought back flashes of those early years—his presence, his voice, the way he moved, and interacted with us as kids.

As the film progresses, though, it taps into something deeper. There’s a moment when you start to see him not just as your father, but as this extraordinary individual who impacted millions of lives. It’s like I’m seeing him through a new lens—one that amplifies his humanity and his greatness. It’s humbling and heartbreaking at the same time. You start to think about all the things he accomplished and the incredible legacy he left behind, and it hits you that he did all of that in such a short span of time. That realization makes me incredibly emotional, especially when I think about the long years without him and how different life might have been if he were still here.

Rohan Marley Q&A

How has your father's legacy shaped who you are today?

Rohan Marley: My father’s legacy is something that permeates every aspect of my life. It’s not just about the music, although that’s a huge part of it; it’s about the values he stood for—love, unity, and social justice. Growing up, I always felt this responsibility to honor those values in my own life, to carry forward the message he so passionately believed in.

His legacy has influenced my decisions, my work, and how I relate to the world around me. For instance, I’m deeply involved in initiatives that promote sustainable living and environmental stewardship, which are causes he cared about. But beyond that, his legacy has shaped my worldview—the belief that we are all connected and that love and compassion are the most powerful forces for change. It’s a guiding principle for me, and it’s something I strive to instill in my children as well​.

The AFJ has played a significant role in bringing this film to audiences. What does that partnership mean to you?

Rohan Marley: The partnership with the AFJ is incredibly meaningful, both personally and in the broader context of my father’s legacy. The AFJ’s mission to improve lives in Jamaica through education, healthcare, and social development aligns perfectly with the principles my father lived by. It’s not just about making a film—it’s about using his story as a catalyst for real, positive change.

When I heard that the AFJ would be using the film to support projects like the Trench Town Primary School, it felt like everything had come full circle. My father always believed in giving back, particularly to the communities that shaped him. The fact that this film can now play a role in improving education and infrastructure in Jamaica is something I think he would be incredibly proud of. It’s a way of ensuring that his legacy continues to benefit the people of Jamaica, just as he always intended​.

Rohan Marley and Guests

How do you hope the film will influence viewers, particularly younger generations?

Rohan Marley: I hope that viewers, especially younger generations, walk away with a deeper understanding of who my father was—not just as a musician, but as a man who stood for something much greater. His music carries powerful messages of love, resilience, and social justice, and I believe those messages are just as relevant today as they were back then.

For younger audiences, I hope the film serves as both an introduction to his life and a call to action. My father was someone who didn’t just talk about change; he actively pursued it, even when it was difficult or dangerous. I want people to see that and be inspired to live with the same kind of purpose and conviction. The world today faces many challenges, and I believe the principles my father lived by—love, unity, and justice—are exactly what we need to navigate these times. If this film can inspire even a fraction of that, then it has done its job​.

In what ways does this film add to or differ from previous portrayals of your father?

Rohan Marley: This film offers a more personal and intimate portrayal of my father. Previous documentaries and biopics have done an incredible job of capturing his music and public persona, but Bob Marley: One Love goes deeper into his private life, his struggles, and the man behind the legend. It’s raw and emotional in a way that feels very authentic to who he was.

What sets this film apart is its ability to show the duality of his life—his public mission of spreading love and unity, and his private battles, both with his health and with the pressures that came with his role as a global icon. It doesn’t shy away from showing his vulnerabilities, and I think that’s important because it makes him more relatable, more human. For those of us who knew him, this film feels like a true reflection of the man we remember—complex, passionate, and deeply caring.

Rohan Marley and Guests

What’s next for you in terms of carrying forward your father’s legacy?

Rohan Marley: Moving forward, I’m committed to continuing my father’s work in whatever ways I can. This includes projects that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and education—areas that he was deeply passionate about. I’m also focused on raising my children with the same values that he instilled in me, ensuring that they understand the importance of love, unity, and standing up for what’s right.

Additionally, I’m involved in various initiatives that aim to keep his music and message alive for future generations. The world is constantly changing, but the core values my father lived by remain as relevant as ever. I believe it’s our responsibility—both as his family and as global citizens—to keep that spirit alive and to continue working towards the kind of world he envisioned. That’s what I’m committed to, and that’s what I hope to achieve in the years to come. 

Through Rohan Marley's heartfelt words, we gain a deeper understanding of the man behind the legend, the enduring impact of his life's work, and the personal journey of a son who carries forward his father's mission with pride, passion, and purpose. This film, and the conversations it inspires, are a testament to the timelessness of Bob Marley’s message and the ongoing relevance of his vision for a better, more unified world.

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