The Victoria Photo Credit: Mark Seliger

The Perfect Turtleneck: How Fallon & Ava Revolutionized Luxury Fashion with Timeless Craftsmanship

Carece Slaughter

A Classic Reimagined

In a world where fast fashion dominates, the luxury of timeless craftsmanship can feel like a rare find. Fallon and Ava King, sisters and founders of Fallon & Ava, have turned this rarity into a reality with their eponymous brand, specializing in a classic staple that has transcended decades — the turtleneck.

What started as a sartorial influence from their mother, who dressed them in turtlenecks as children, has evolved into a sophisticated luxury label that celebrates both family and fashion. As their journey continues, Fallon and Ava are not just designing clothes; they are building a legacy that blends classic design with contemporary elegance. In this exclusive interview, the King sisters open up about their creative process, the global collaborations behind their limited-edition collections, and the passion that drives their vision.

Fallon & Ava

A Passion Passed Down

Carece: I was fascinated by the story of how your mother’s influence shaped your brand. I understand that growing up, your mother frequently dressed you in turtlenecks—a staple that has now become the cornerstone of your brand. How did those early fashion moments shape your perception of style, and at what point did you realize this childhood staple could become a luxury business venture?

Fallon: Our mother has always had a deep appreciation for timeless elegance—whether it’s classic style or design, she’s all about the enduring classics. Naturally, the turtleneck has always been one of her signature favorites. She loved dressing us in turtlenecks when we were young because she loved when we all matched, and it was the one thing all three of us could wear. Our mother has been the inspiration behind our entire brand. She is the epitome of what our brand represents: elegant, strong, timeless, and powerful. 

Ava: Our mom always dressed us in turtlenecks. There is a picture of us in turtlenecks on our website, and I think I was about four and Fallon was eight. From that point on, it became something we would always wear. When we moved to New York, it became even more of a staple. Our go-to look was always a turtleneck and jeans. Whenever we wore it, we felt confident and powerful. I would wear it to interviews, on dates, or for any occasion in the fall or winter. It wasn’t until the pandemic, that we had more time together as a family. Fallon and I always knew we wanted to start a brand together. We both attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York; she studied fashion design, and I studied public relations and marketing. We thought starting a brand would come later after pursuing our individual paths, but the pandemic gave us the time to think about what was next, and one day, it just clicked: we should create a brand focused on turtlenecks since we were so passionate about them and wore them all the time. We both had our favorite turtlenecks, but we could never find the perfect one. There were things we liked about each of ours, but nothing was exactly right. There was not a brand that specialized exclusively in turtlenecks. You see brands specialize in denim jeans or basics but no turtleneck brand. We decided to create it ourselves and design the perfect turtleneck. 

Fallon & Ava as Children in their Turtlenecks

The Perfect Turtleneck: A Vision Takes Shape

Carece: It’s clear that the turtleneck holds a special place in your hearts. However, launching a brand exclusively dedicated to turtlenecks is a bold move in an industry that is obsessed with variety. What made you confident that focusing on a single garment could capture the luxury market's attention and sustain a thriving business?

Fallon: We are confident in focusing on a single garment that is truly timeless and creating a brand that is more than just a product but a lifestyle. Our brand tells a story that is conveyed through our visuals, our pop-up shops, our in-person events, and our core values. We wanted to create this world of Fallon & Ava that you want to be a part of. We always say, it’s more than just a turtleneck, it’s a mission, a secret weapon, an aspiration, a piece of art, a family, and a little piece of home. Fashion trends are constantly evolving, but a turtleneck remains a timeless staple that never goes out of style. Every woman deserves to have the perfect one in her wardrobe. Although we are a one product brand, the beauty of a turtleneck is that the possibilities are endless. We continue to introduce new variations and colors. For example, our signature “Bow Turtleneck” is our new take on the classic turtleneck. Focusing on one product allows us to really perfect that one product and become a reliable brand where customers know, "I’ll go to Fallon & Ava because they make the perfect turtleneck." It’s a classic that women who love timeless pieces are willing to invest in. Even women who love experimenting with fashion still need a classic turtleneck to style in different ways. While it’s one product, it’s also one of the most versatile products.

Ava: We also took inspiration from the origin of Ralph Lauren. He started with ties and then built this incredible lifestyle brand. Starting with one product allows us to build trust with our customers. They’ll know we’ve perfected the turtleneck, and when we expand into other products, they can trust that the quality will be the same. With one product, we’ve been able to hone in and create something that aligns with our vision and what our customers want.

The Signature Blue & The Bow

The Victoria: A Global Collaboration

Carece: Your new limited edition turtleneck, "The Victoria,"  is exquisite. It is a collaboration that spans continents—from Tuscany's sustainable knitwear to Mumbai's third-generation artisans, all captured by the renowned photographer Mark Seliger. Can you walk us through the journey of this piece and how these global influences converge in your design?

Fallon: We make all our turtlenecks in Italy. We chose a family-owned factory in Tuscany, started by two brothers. It felt right to choose another sibling-owned business. Italy is known for its highest quality knitwear, so we knew that if we were going to make the perfect turtleneck, it had to be made in Italy. I also have a background in embroidery design. I had worked with a factory in Mumbai for five years. The artist I communicated with there is incredible, and I knew I wanted to work with her on this special piece. The entire embroidery on The Victoria is done completely by hand by the same artisans who also embroider for luxury, household-name brands. We love that this piece has literally traveled across the world and back, touched by so many different hands of diverse talents, all from family-run businesses. Designed by the two of us in New York, made in a family-owned factory in Tuscany, and embroidered by third-generation artisans in Mumbai, this piece tells a story of artists, friendships, and a family creating a modern take on a classic. That is one of the main things that makes it so special and luxurious. 

Ava: The Victoria is also unique because we have a design patent on the bow, which allows us to add embroidery. Usually, you can’t put embroidery on a turtleneck because with the traditional design, there’s no way to get it over your head. But our bow neck design makes the neck adjustable making it as tight or as loose as you want and the embroidery becomes a statement that accentuates the face. It’s a truly unique piece that elevates the turtleneck in a special way.

Fallon: Our collaboration with Mark Seliger truly felt like an “only in New York” story as it captures a serendipitous moment of diverse creatives coming together. We met Mark in the gym 3 years ago and have been friends ever since. We met at a small apartment building gym where we both live and Mark goes to train. Our same routine of working out at 7am every morning was the catalyst to this creative collaboration. We first met in 2021 when the Fallon & Ava brand was still in the development stage. Since then we have developed a friendship and have supported one another in each other’s creative endeavors. Mark attended our launch party and has given us advice with past photoshoots. We would attend all of his concerts with his band, Rusty Truck, and to this day we still see each other every morning at the same gym. When we decided to create an editorial version of our turtleneck, The Victoria,  we knew Mark would bring it to life in a way no other photographer could. Mark is truly exceptional at storytelling. That’s what sets him apart as such an accomplished photographer. His photos stop you in your tracks and make you feel something. They have a wow factor. That’s exactly the impact we wanted with The Victoria.

Sustainability and Craftsmanship in a Fast-Fashion World

Carece: In an era where fast fashion dominates, you've chosen to prioritize sustainability, craftsmanship, and timeless design. How do you reconcile the pressure for rapid trends with your commitment to creating enduring pieces?

Fallon: We founded this brand with the commitment to crafting timeless style that endures. While we are excited to introduce new variations of a turtleneck in the future, our classic turtleneck collection will always remain as timeless investment pieces that will live in your closet for years. We’re all about quality over quantity. The Victoria, for example, is a limited edition because each piece takes 40 hours of handwork, so it’s impossible to mass-produce. In addition, the yarns we use in all our turtlenecks are not only fine Italian yarns, but they’re also sustainable, made from Lenzing EcoVero, a responsible viscose fiber derived from certified, renewable wood sources. 

Ava: I believe more people are recognizing how quickly trends fade, especially in the age of social media. By the time you purchase a trendy item, it’s often already out of style. That’s why we’re committed to offering investment pieces that women can wear year after year. A turtleneck is a timeless classic that never goes out of fashion. We take pride in creating pieces that women can always depend on.

Fallon & Ava with Mark Seliger

Carece: You've described your turtleneck as "the perfect turtleneck—designed to be the only turtleneck you will ever need," highlighting features like The Fit, The Neck, The Bow, and The Yarns. Can you explain how each of these elements contributes to creating this perfect piece and what innovations or challenges you faced in perfecting them?

Fallon: We started by visiting every department store and boutique in New York, trying on countless turtlenecks to understand what worked and what didn’t. From there, we carefully combined the best features into what we believe is the perfect turtleneck.

The neck of other turtlenecks is often a challenge for women—The length of the neck piece is often made excessively long, forcing you to fold it down resulting in a neck that sits too short. Alternatively, leaving it unfolded looks messy and bulky with too many folds and excess. The Fallon & Ava neck is designed at the perfect length. Ours has a fixed fold, so it is always standing at that desired height. Its finely knitted rib gives the neck excellent elasticity so you can easily slip it over your head. Once on, It comfortably contours the neck without slipping down or stretching out and always maintains a polished, sleek look.

Ava: The fit was important to us. We wanted something sleek and tailored that would curve naturally at the waist. Unlike traditional turtlenecks, which can feel soft but shapeless, ours is designed to stay tucked in and smooth, providing a polished, sophisticated look. In fact, we call it the first "tailored turtleneck" because it brings the kind of structure you expect from a blazer but with the softness and comfort of a knit. Last year, we collaborated with our friend who is a soloist from the New York City Ballet. She danced in our turtlenecks—leaping, turning, and moving with ease. Seeing our turtlenecks in action like that really showcased their versatility and comfort—they’re polished enough for everyday elegance yet flexible enough for a ballet dancer.

The Victoria

Carece: You started your first prototype in a small woman-owned factory in Brooklyn and now produce in Italy while collaborating with artisans in India. How important is it for you to empower women globally, and how does this mission impact your brand's identity and operations?

Fallon: Empowering women is at the core of our brand. We found that there’s something about wearing a well-fitted turtleneck that can instantly give a woman confidence whether it’s in a business meeting, on a date, or at a gala. Our friends have told us they consciously choose to wear our turtleneck when they know they need to feel extra confident or powerful that day. We had a friend wear it for an important interview and a professional headshot, one wore it for a red carpet event, and another wore it for her engagement photoshoot. Hearing these stories mean the world to us. It’s our mission as a brand to serve as a platform for women to embrace their inner power, allowing them to navigate the world with confidence and poise while wearing a turtleneck. 

Ava: When we launched, we started a "Women in Business" and "Women in the Arts" series, where we highlight accomplished women in various industries. We photograph them in our turtlenecks, interview them, and showcase their stories. We’ve highlighted women in art, ballet, business, and more. Our goal is to always support and uplift women, and turtlenecks make them feel confident, powerful, and elegant.

Hand embroidery in Mumbai

Family at the Core

Carece: Family seems to be at the heart of Fallon & Ava—from your mother's influence to naming your latest piece after her. How does your family dynamic fuel your creativity and business decisions, and are there ever moments when personal and professional lines blur? Is that a challenge or a joy?

Ava: It can be a challenge but mostly a joy. Our family is everything. We’re a family-run business, and we all bring different skills and perspectives to the table. The lines between personal and professional sometimes blur, but we always come back to our shared vision and values.

We’re so lucky to be able to start a business together because there’s no one else you can trust as much as family. Our mom, especially, has been such an inspiration.

Fallon: We trust each other implicitly. As Ava said, our mother, who’s been a huge influence, taught us the importance of welcoming people into your home. That’s what we do with our brand — we welcome our customers into the world of Fallon & Ava, just like we would welcome guests into our home. 

Even our signature blue turtleneck is inspired by the color of our family home. In “The Victoria,” we've woven our family into the design. Our logo, a crown, represents our last name, King, and we’ve subtly incorporated it into the embroidery. It’s a way to always have our family close, and it will be a detail that carries throughout our brand. Everything we do is rooted in family.

Fallon & Ava with their Mother

A Legacy in the Making

Fallon and Ava King have done more than just create a fashion brand — they’ve crafted a legacy of elegance, strength, and family. Their dedication to sustainability, timeless design, and the empowerment of women is woven into every stitch of their luxury turtlenecks. With global collaborations and a vision to expand beyond the turtleneck, Fallon & Ava is poised to become a leading name in timeless fashion.

As the launch of their limited-edition turtleneck, The “Victoria” draws near, it’s clear that Fallon and Ava’s journey is only just beginning. With their unique blend of passion, family values, and meticulous craftsmanship, the King sisters are set to make their mark on the world of luxury fashion — one turtleneck at a time.

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